RJ in Massachusetts, United States:
Do you relate to RJ's story....
He was betrayed by his partner. Once the betrayal happened, it was like a
domino effect all going in the wrong direction. The next shoe to drop was a
divorce and then the next shoe to drop was a strained relationship with his family
and children.
Clearly, RJ was not the problem. Sometimes, it's the other person. These same
other people bring with them the 3 D's of Takers, namely, Defeatism, Disruption,
and Destruction. RJ experienced all 3 of these by simply having the wrong
person(s) around him.
Today RJ is leading a Rich Life of Predictable Happiness. He has risen above
the challenges in his life and he is a GIVER and an OVERCOMER.
RJ Transformed his life from one of unpredictable chaos and
sadness into a life of Predictive Happiness with The GIVE To Be
Great™ courses.
Would you like a life of Happiness that is Predictable and
Consistent like RJ?
Luanne R. in Ontario, Canada
Do you relate to Luanne's story....
She was deceived by a Taker. Her marriage ended. Her friends went on to higher
paying jobs. Her productivity went out the window. Her debt got out of control causing
her to go into debt consolidation.
Clearly, Luanne was feeling trapped in her everyday life. Being surrounded by
Takers made the challenges in her life even worse.
Today, Luanne is living the life of Massive Freedom. She can pretty much do
what she wants, when she wants. She no longer feels trapped by everyday
challenges and financial debt. She knows she can overcome new challenges
because she has learned how to do it.
Luanne Transformed her life of Insignificance, feeling trapped and
imprisoned, into a life of Massive Freedom with The GIVE To Be Great
courses and what she learned and applied to her life.
Would you like a life of Exceptional Greatness like Jean?
Jean B. from Ontario, Canada Do you relate to Jean's story........
Her life began to unravel all at once. It was all very unexpected, yet it happened.
One challenge piled on top of another. In 129 days, she lost her only and
younger sister, her family dog of 14 years, and her husband. Her late husband’s
life was taken in just 10 days, each day was a positive or negative medical roller
coaster. Her life seemed insignificant, having recently lost all of her family, but
her brother who lives 6 hours away. On top of all of that, Jean was recovering from surgery.
She felt useless, like she couldn’t or wouldn’t be an asset to society. She felt
very average and mediocre. At this Time, she was a widow and didn’t feel special
to anyone. She wasn’t working so her life was dull.... again.
Today, Jean is no longer feeling average or mediocre. She is remarried and
closer with her family. She has overcome her challenges and she rose up as a GIVER does.
Jean Transformed her life of Average Mediocrity into a life of Exceptional
Greatness with The GIVE To Be Great™ courses.
Would you like a life of Exceptional Greatness like Jean?